Project Monarch/MKULTRA Mind Control... Think it isn't Real? Think Again
The US department of Defense's original plans to research the Mind control phenomena was to determine psychological and chemical formulas providing the US with the "perfect" espionage agent. This quickly evolved into planning the "production" of the perfect soldier... government worker...slave.
However, German SS officer/occultist Himmler's research development scientists sent this search "for the "Manchurian Candidate" off in another direction ... PSYCHOLOGICAL GENETIC ENGINEERING.
It was determined that "absolute" mind control could be realized through specific tortures of the intended transgenerational Victim ...from the moment of birth!
Armed with this deadly research, a collection of "dedicated psychiatrists" from Germany, Italy, and the US, a new but ancient form of mind-control was reborn through Project Monarch.
Modern science had simply unraveled the occult cryptic so called "magikal" secrets of mind spawn a new generation of "superior beings"...who could NEVER ASK WHAT THEIR COUNTRY COULD DO FOR THEM...BUT ONLY WHAT THEY COULD DO FOR THEIR COUNTRY.
Although Project Monarch information has to date not been declassified as was it's research umbrella from D.o.D. mind control studies known as project MK Ultra. It never-the-less has become a household word among a multitude of Intelligence Community operatives.
Project MK Ultra was exposed publicly in 1970 through law suits filed by Canadian survivors and/or their surviving families. These brave persons received the cooperation of Canadian Intelligence individuals and others who uncovered one of the CIA's original mind control research mental health facilities based in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Although the CIA and Canadian government settled the lawsuits out of court so as not to be required to officially admit to any wrong doing -- the secret was out.
Now, two decades later the United States and Canadian populace is beginning to feel the criminal atrocities being committed against them in the private sector as a direct result of the so-called "secret" mind control experiments
Project Monarch is a US Defense Department code name assigned to a subsection of the Central Intelligence Agency's Operation Artichoke later become Project MK Ultra. Whereas Project Monarch was officially dedicated sometime in the early 1960's by the US Army. Project Monarch is a genealogical approach to define trans-generational (via genetic psychology) behavioral modification through trauma based psychological mind control.
Project MK Ultra was exposed publicly in 1970 through law suits filed by Canadian survivors and/or their surviving families. These brave persons received the cooperation of Canadian Intelligence individuals and others who uncovered one of the CIA's original mind control research mental health facilities based in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Although the CIA and Canadian government settled the lawsuits out of court so as not to be required to officially admit to any wrong doing -- the secret was out.
There are "strap on" head and foot devices that could deliver a mind altering shock of an exact duration according to the subject's brainwave activity and/or heartbeat. Other portable hand held stun gun type devices can deliver shock up to 200,000 volts for a variety of reasons, but primarily for instant control of the conscious mind.
A great deal of successful research and development went into the effects of harmonics or inaudible to the conscious ear sound waves that affect the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious. Harmonics generators, code named ether-wave, are capable of subconscious mind embedding detailed messages (commands linked to audible triggers). This is known as electronic programming and is a standard programming device in all forms of Project Monarch. Hence the reason many Monarch survivors (drug mules/prostitutes) recall being taken onto certain US military bases and "Freedom Ranch" a.k.a. trauma centers for "programming".
Mind altering drugs...natural and synthetic compounds that can instantly alter certain brain/thought functions were developed from modern medical technology and from ancient witchcraft formulas.
The revised components list is not so comprehensive and obvious. For instance, a sound proofed burial casket makes a great sensory depravation chamber similar to one being used now at a Kentucky (CIA) conditioning camp". There, Delta, Alpha, and Beta victims of this conspiracy are regularly taken by their owners for " reconditioning " a n d reprogramming for drug muling runs or "assignments". Most make it out of this man-made-hell alive, some don't...but as it is said, there's always more where those came from. Whereas, the only other equipment components needed are devices to hang victims upside down by their ankles, cattle prods the cylinder type that are inserted deep into the vagina or rectum for a "simulated orgasm with the devil".
The following information, although intended for
multi- generational family abuse systems, is adequate to divide a
person's base personality for enslavement purposes, but for humanitarian
reasons, I cannot publish the actual programming information, If you
try this at home -you are on your own, and when our nation "wakes
up" will become a target for prosecution.
First, slow body metabolism by reducing caloric intake say, for an average 125 lb. female 19-30 years of age to 300 per day -reduce to 0 intake of all sugar, lower protein intake accordingly, (This action will literally starve the brain into submission).
From time
to time water depravation may be necessary to swell the brain by
raising the temperature making memory of experienced events difficult or
impossible to recall by the victim a.k.a. the "kiss and not tell
syndrome". Combine with 3 to 10 seconds-f 120,000 volts to leg or back.
Vomiting and flu like symptoms will occur but memory is now hidden
behind a wall of "black lightening".
Sleep depravation - absolutely a must in preconditioning and continued maintenance for new programming. Victims must not experience more than two hours continuous uninterrupted sleep. Maximum sleep allowed 3 hours per 24 hour day. Days should be spent in heavy physical exercise to the point of constant exhaustion. This action stimulates the brain to overproduce endorphins and thus temporarily silence the logic center. This action also is responsible for reversing the brain's functions from right to left or vice versa. Victims will respond to most any command robotically and hypnotic programming becomes a breeze.
Hanging the victims upside down for periods of time, one-two hours per day will further trick the brain into dissociation from reality and can reverse such primordial brain functions as turning pain into pleasure - up will become down - out will become in, and above all the person administering the tortures will become omnipotent in the victim's now rearranged mind.
This phenomena is likened to the Stockholm Syndrome.Daily tortures administered should focus on any of the known victims former idiosyncrasies. This could include introducing ant into the ear canal or coverings the victim in say (harmless) spiders or snakes (rubber facsimile will work) or exposing them to loud noises (firecrackers) disguised as bombs, heated needles or toothpicks under the fingernails, even constant tickling. These idiosyncrasies then became "tortures-of-the-mind" tortures that there are no escape from. When the operator ceases torturing the victims short of death, he's considered benevolent and "worship" by the victim will again commence ...even stronger than before. The controllers voiced wishes will become instead commands to the victim and all moral decision making processes (sex, murder, etc.) totally bridged (ignored) by the "new mind" of the victim.
High voltage electroshock has multi use purposes - for Torture, left brain right brain function, reversals, and, depending on the amount of voltage administered and the location on the body, to compartmentalize programs or to set in new ones. Electroshock is also used as a "harmless" not so subtle reminder to carry out commands. High DC voltage is a key component as it, too, produces an instant euphoric state due to the increased endorphin production, coupled with the victim's total lack of physical control.
Sensory depravation can be
accomplished through hanging in conjunction with eye and ear covers -
or with more elaborate sound and light proof rooms or even burial
caskets. I am more familiar with specially heated salt water tanks where
buoyancy accomplishes weightlessness, and fitted electroshock movement
sensitive sensors are positioned on the victims to stimulate the mental
sensation of loss of consciousness while wide awake and should the
victims move externally, high voltage is automatically administered and
the victim actually looses consciousness momentarily. This process is
repeated over and over until the brain is trained to stop all external
body movement from the conscious mind. Then the victim can be audibly
commanded and programmed to a calendar date to perform a task:...say 50
years in the future Without even being cued by an operator...flawlessly.
This program becomes a part of the primitive mind -the same one that
tells the victim's heart to beat, etc.
Death or health programs can easily be put in place and are not diffusible through conventional psychiatry without knowledge of exact keys administered by an expert psycho/hypno- therapist. I personally know of one 13 year old girl who is currently institutionalized awaiting such care due to her being locked in through the use of sophisticated harmonics equipment from birth, But US Department of Justice officials have stopped her mother (Beta victim) in their pursuit of Justice...and so goes the mother's credibility and the needed expert mental health assistance for her child.
Now you've got the formula. "Try" and protect yourself from it ...nobody else will.
First, slow body metabolism by reducing caloric intake say, for an average 125 lb. female 19-30 years of age to 300 per day -reduce to 0 intake of all sugar, lower protein intake accordingly, (This action will literally starve the brain into submission).
Sleep depravation - absolutely a must in preconditioning and continued maintenance for new programming. Victims must not experience more than two hours continuous uninterrupted sleep. Maximum sleep allowed 3 hours per 24 hour day. Days should be spent in heavy physical exercise to the point of constant exhaustion. This action stimulates the brain to overproduce endorphins and thus temporarily silence the logic center. This action also is responsible for reversing the brain's functions from right to left or vice versa. Victims will respond to most any command robotically and hypnotic programming becomes a breeze.
Hanging the victims upside down for periods of time, one-two hours per day will further trick the brain into dissociation from reality and can reverse such primordial brain functions as turning pain into pleasure - up will become down - out will become in, and above all the person administering the tortures will become omnipotent in the victim's now rearranged mind.
This phenomena is likened to the Stockholm Syndrome.Daily tortures administered should focus on any of the known victims former idiosyncrasies. This could include introducing ant into the ear canal or coverings the victim in say (harmless) spiders or snakes (rubber facsimile will work) or exposing them to loud noises (firecrackers) disguised as bombs, heated needles or toothpicks under the fingernails, even constant tickling. These idiosyncrasies then became "tortures-of-the-mind" tortures that there are no escape from. When the operator ceases torturing the victims short of death, he's considered benevolent and "worship" by the victim will again commence ...even stronger than before. The controllers voiced wishes will become instead commands to the victim and all moral decision making processes (sex, murder, etc.) totally bridged (ignored) by the "new mind" of the victim.
High voltage electroshock has multi use purposes - for Torture, left brain right brain function, reversals, and, depending on the amount of voltage administered and the location on the body, to compartmentalize programs or to set in new ones. Electroshock is also used as a "harmless" not so subtle reminder to carry out commands. High DC voltage is a key component as it, too, produces an instant euphoric state due to the increased endorphin production, coupled with the victim's total lack of physical control.
Death or health programs can easily be put in place and are not diffusible through conventional psychiatry without knowledge of exact keys administered by an expert psycho/hypno- therapist. I personally know of one 13 year old girl who is currently institutionalized awaiting such care due to her being locked in through the use of sophisticated harmonics equipment from birth, But US Department of Justice officials have stopped her mother (Beta victim) in their pursuit of Justice...and so goes the mother's credibility and the needed expert mental health assistance for her child.
Now you've got the formula. "Try" and protect yourself from it ...nobody else will.
is, however, during the 20th century that mind control became a science
in the modern sense of the term, where thousands of subjects have been
systematically observed, documented and experimented on.
One of the first methodical studies on trauma-based mind control were conducted by Josef Mengele, a physician working in Nazi concentration camps. He initially gained notoriety for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced labourer. However, he is mostly known for performing grisly human experiments on camp inmates, including children, for which Mengele was called the “Angel of Death”.
One of the first methodical studies on trauma-based mind control were conducted by Josef Mengele, a physician working in Nazi concentration camps. He initially gained notoriety for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced labourer. However, he is mostly known for performing grisly human experiments on camp inmates, including children, for which Mengele was called the “Angel of Death”.